The 19th annual EFORT Conference was held in Barcelona from 30 May to 1 June 2018 under the motto of “Innovation and new Technologies”.
Many participants took the opportunity to visit the Merete booth and learn more about the BioBall® family, from the BioBall® Adapter System to the modular dual-mobility BioBall® MaxiMotion™ Cup to the BioBall® Adapter Selector™, the first instrument designed to check taper geometry on in situ stems. As part of the lunch case on the first day of the trade fair, PD Dr. med. Patrick Weber (LMU – Munich University Hospital) gave a presentation entitled “Partial replacements in hip endoprosthetics: which combinations are possible?”
All in all, the conference was a great success, and we look forward to seeing you at the anniversary-year event in Lisbon on 5-7 June 2019.
Source: MKPI // Holger Peerlings