1. Which situations has the system helped you in?
In my opinion, its chief benefit is in isolated acetabular revision procedures in which the fixed titanium stem remains in place. Chrome-cobalt heads cause galvanic corrosion, while purely ceramic heads are not allowed. A ceramic head with an additional titanium sleeve keeps me on the safe side, and also allows me to adjust the neck length if I need to.
2. What advantages do you see in the BioBall system, and which patients do you treat using the BioBall system?
See my response to Question 1 – I use it in all acetabular revisions involving a titanium stem remaining in situ.
3. How do you check the stem taper with the prosthesis fixed in place?
Visual plus Merete AdapterSelector testing system
4. What advantages do you see in using an instrument specially approved for taper checking, such as the AdapterSelector™, versus purely visual inspections?
Our eyes deteriorate with age – no, in all seriousness, a smooth, partially reflecting surface is not easy to assess visually.
5. What advantages do you see in the system’s addition of the Dual Mobility BioBall® MaxiMotion™ Cup? Which patients do you treat using the BioBall MaxiMotion?
It undoubtedly provides greater stability against luxation. Patients with post-traumatic conditions, neurological disorders, muscle damage or instability when walking as well as revision surgeries.
6. Would you provide an active older patient with a Dual Mobility BioBall® MaxiMotion™ cup instead of a standard bipolar head?
Definitely yes, based on the literature, it seems to be the better method.
7. Would you recommend the BioBall® system to a colleague or have you done so already?
Both yes!
8. hat expansion would you like to see for the system in the future?
I trust in Merete's ideas for that.